Home > Google, Social Media, Web marketing > Internet Marketing Idea – Sidewiki Easter Eggs

Internet Marketing Idea – Sidewiki Easter Eggs

Easter-EggsBased on my travels around the web in the last day, Google’s Sidewiki is being talked about, but not really used very much.

There is some debate as to whether it will take off and that has a lot to do with how Google promotes the software and whether website managers embrace the technology.

For me, it’s the perfect Easter egg hunt.  We can have a lot of fun with it if we want.  I’ve gone and left messages for friends and competitors and even visitors to my own sites.  For instance on my Facebook business page, I left a special message anybody can see, but only visitors who join can implement and it benefits everyone.  But to see the message, you need the secret decoder for the invisible ink.  I’ve left welcome messages for visitors on all my SEO sites.

There are a lot of creative ideas for webmasters and bloggers to create amazing Easter eggs for site visitors using Sidewiki.

  • Hidden links only viewable on the wiki.
  • Special offers.
  • It’s endless!

Like any media Easter egg, there is a work around without having to hunt all over the Internet.  The Google profiles associated with the software record all comments made and provide links to the pages where comments were left.  If enough data is entered into the profile, it becomes searchable.  That is the SEO aspect of Google Sidewiki.

I was just fooling around so I didn’t go into any secret stealth mode to hide my eggs.  However, that’s something to be considered for an extensive Sidewiki Easter egg marketing campaign.

Whether this technology is widely adopted certainly remains in question.  But it’s pretty easy for any web manager to provide a web message on their home page for Sidewiki.  An extensive Easter egg campaign isn’t necessary until we see more signs the technology is being used.  Or it could be such a campaign might just differentiate your site?

  1. October 8, 2009 at 1:31 am

    great tips. i will put these into use and see what happens.


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