
Archive for October, 2010

Event Marketing Using Social Media

October 28, 2010 2 comments

My friend Janice at Pierpont Place asked me to help her put together a last minute social media blitz to help market her fundraiser/Halloween party.  I have a few days off before I start the next phase in my life/business so I said, “sure!”  I called Janet Thaeler because she recently put together a successful last minute event.

Here’s what I did:

You need a hub.  Where are people going to go?  In this instance, it’s Facebook…specifically an event page.  Because it’s a fundraiser, there’s a potential media hook, so here’s the press release.  I also paid to have the release distributed to local news people.  Additionally, it was sent to several local bloggers who talk about the local social scene along with some photos from last year’s Halloween event.

I also used Twitter to promote by creating a Twitvite that is easily shareable and a hashtag for the event: #spookbash.  During the event  Visible Tweets will be showing, so people will be encouraged to tweet their location while they’re there.  Attendees will be encouraged to check in on foursquare in hopes of getting a “swarm” badge.

Finally, I put together a paid search campaign for Facebook that targets people in Salt Lake with an ad for the event.  I created a custom landing tab with the event flyer and 140 plus visitors have been sent to that page so far.  The campaign will end tomorrow.

For me, this isn’t just about an event.  By using Facebook, Pierpont Place will be able to get better traction with their audience since people are engaging directly with the company by “liking” their page.  Janice will be able to send future events and news to people who actually want to hear about it.

Utah’s Top Blogger – Update and Write Ins

October 21, 2010 2 comments

Here’s the mid-contest update for the 2010 Utah’s Top Blogger competition.  First of all, we’re off to a great start with twice as many votes as last year’s entire contest.  We’ve also got a bunch of great write in nominees.  Here’s who has made the ballot thanks to your suggestions:

In addition to the previous nominees, this will be the final list of bloggers on the ballot.  If you like a blogger and don’t see them on this list…it’s certainly not exhaustive…feel free to write them in.  Those votes will be counted.

The competition will be extended until November 7th.  At that point, winners will be announced and prizes will be awarded.  I’m still trying to find someone who will host a small awards lunch. (Hint, hint) 

Here are the top five results so far:

1.  Holly Richardson – 59%
2. Nicole Warburton – 13%
3. Jesse Stay – 3%
3 (t). Chad Waite – 3%
5. Phil Windley – 2%
5.(t) Misty Fowler – 2%

It’s still anybody’s contest, so share the poll on Twitter, Facebook and anywhere else you can and get voting for your favorite Utah blogger!

P.S. – Thanks for nominating Janet Thaeler’s Newspapergrl blog, but since she’s helping with the contest by giving away her PR book we decided not to allow her to compete this year.

Utah’s Top Bloggers – 2010

October 7, 2010 6 comments

It’s that time of year!  What time?  Time to nominate and vote for Utah’s top bloggers.

Yes, this is a popularity contest, but I want to try and keep it fair. So, while you’ll have your favorite, please make your vote based on these conditions:

How often does your favorite blogger update?

How good are their posts?

How well does this blogger develop a sense of community?

Once you’ve answered those questions, please vote for one of the following top blogger nominees.  If someone you think deserves to be on this list, please enter their name on the poll.

Who are the nominees?

In no particular order, the nominees are:

Technology/Marketing Blogs

Mainstream Media Blogs

Deseret News Blogs

Ogden Standard Examiner

Salt Lake Tribune

In a league of their own (good)

In a league of their own (bad)

Real Estate Blogs

Political Blogs

Uncategorized Blogs

Go here to vote!