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What is the Value of Twitter?

I’m still amused when I talk to someone about Twitter.  Even this week I heard, “Isn’t that where celebrities talk about when they’re going to the bathroom?”  Sure, but it’s a place to get answers in real-time.

In the example above, I had a question that was answered by an industry pro within 60 seconds of me asking it.  Because of the person’s credibility, I didn’t even question it and went directly to implementation.  What’s the ROI on saving time?

Last week I asked a question about telephone tracking numbers.  Within five minutes a company that sold telephone tracking numbers replied with a link to customer testimonials – social proof.  Very smart.  I didn’t choose that company, but they may suit my needs better in the future as my current project grows.

Janet Thaeler wrote about her experience using Twitter to find a movie theater for an event she put together.  Because Jordan Landing responded on Twitter, they got the business, plus some pretty major local media coverage.  What’s the ROI on that?

Twitter is a lot of things, but the value I get from it is being able to find information in real-time and meet new contacts.  Sounds like some pretty good value for a business, doesn’t it?

  1. LInku
    November 19, 2010 at 2:34 am

    Well said bro , according to my obeservations this is very true but people have still doubt on this


  2. December 8, 2010 at 9:25 am

    Yes I agree. Twitter is a great place to build relationships and to find answers to questions.


  3. January 1, 2011 at 7:08 am

    You are right. but what about facebook?


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